Welcome to the website of the Terrestrial Ecology Unit – one of the vibrant biology labs at Ghent University.
At TEREC, we study patterns and processes underlying the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. We therefore run competitive research programs on population and community dynamics, biotic interactions and life-history strategies in a wide suite of plants and animals. Research activities comprise field observations, field- and lab experiments and computer simulations, and results are interpreted both within a fundamental (evolutionary-ecological) and applied (conservation-oriented) framework. To reach scientific excellence and sustain technological innovation, our researchers are active in various national and international research networks. TEREC is a member of the Marine@UGENT consortium in which we contribute to multi-disciplinary science to understand and mitigate biodiversity changes at the land-sea interface.
Apart from conducting research, academic staff and researchers are also deeply involved in science-based teaching, both at BSc level and in the international Global Change Ecology & Oceans and Lakes MSc program.
Hope you enjoy our site, do not hesitate to contact us for more information !
Prof. Dr. Luc Lens
Lens Lab
Avian Ecology and Evolution
Bonte Lab
Spatial Ecology and Evolution
Wybouw Lab
Molecular Ecology and Evolutionary Genetics